Fenfast 375 Rapid Fat Burning Diet Pills

Fenfast 375 Rapid Fat Burning Diet Pills

Here's what we know about picking the "right" diet.

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Is low fat or low carb a better diet? Experts are trying to figure it out. Getty Images

First, there was the Atkins diet, then the South Beach Diet came along, followed by the Mediterranean diet, and the ketogenic diet.

It seems like every day a new diet explodes onto the health and wellness scene, and health experts claim it's the healthiest diet yet.

All the buzz likely has you wondering what's best for your health: a low-fat / high-carb diet or a high-fat / low-carb diet? Or, maybe, it all comes down to the type of fat you're eating.

These are the questions researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Boston Children's Hospital addressed in a paper featured on the cover of Science magazine's special issue on nutrition.

While the nutrition scientists had diverse backgrounds and perspectives, the one thing they all agreed upon was this: There is no one diet that's best for everyone.

A well-rounded diet that's generally low in sugar and refined grains and rich in healthy fats will do the trick for most people looking to maintain a healthy weight and a low chronic disease risk, the research team found.

One of the biggest topics the researchers tackled was the importance of the type and amount of fats people should be eating.

There are all kinds of fats. Unsaturated fats are the good fats, of which there are two kinds: monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) — found in nuts, avocado, and vegetable oils — and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) — located in seafood and some vegetable oils.

Unsaturated fats are thought to promote lean tissue in healthy individuals, improve blood cholesterol levels, and lower your risk of heart disease.

Then, there are the not-so-good fats — the saturated fats. These are predominantly found in animal products like milk, cheese, and meat, along with tropical oils, butter, and margarine.

Research has shown that saturated fats can increase hepatic and visceral fat storage and are positively associated with weight gain.

Lastly, trans fats refer to the hydrogenated fats in certain processed foods: chips, crackers, cookies, and salad dressings.

Trans fats have no known health benefits and have no safe levels of consumption, according to Harvard Medical School. They've been deemed so unhealthy, in fact, that earlier this year the United States put a ban on artificial trans fats.

"Trans fats are unhealthy because they are proven to increase the risk of coronary artery disease, raise the LDL (the bad cholesterol), lower HDL (the good cholesterol), and raise triglycerides levels," Beth Warren, a registered dietitian nutritionist with Beth Warren Nutrition and author of Secrets of a Kosher Girl, said.

Our bodies naturally make saturated fats, which are solid at room temperature, Warren added, but we should all still moderate how much more we consume through food.

Over the years, fat has gotten a bad rap thanks to a number of diet fads and crazes. As a result, many people now fear fat and try to avoid it all together.

But the truth of the matter is that we need fat to survive. Fat is a major source of energy.

"Fat is essential to give your body energy and to support cell growth. Fat protects our organs and helps keep us warm. Fats also help the body absorb many nutrients and produce important hormones," Warren said.

Furthermore, eating healthy fats can also improve your lipid profile and help you burn calories more efficiently in an otherwise calorie-controlled diet, Warren explained.

The dietary reference intake (DRI) currently states that approximately 20 to 35 percent of total calories should come from healthy fats.

This amount should fluctuate based on your medical history and specific nutrition needs.

In general, it's best to replace saturated fats — from red meats and dairy — with unsaturated fats, and avoid trans fats altogether. Keep in mind though, that all fats — healthy fats included — tend to be high in calories, so try not to overdo it.

Fats should ideally come from unsaturated sources: nuts, seeds, oils, avocados, and hummus.

"Omega-3 PUFAs (also known as alpha-linolenic acid) are essential to health and found in flaxseeds, wild fish, and canola oil. Why I love these? Aside from their anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3's are metabolized into [the fatty acids] 'EPA' & 'DHA,' which are power nutrients for brain health," Rachel Fine, a registered dietitian nutritionist with To The Pointe Nutrition, said.

"Omega-9 MUFAs (also known as oleic acid) protect our hearts and are abundant in olive oil, avocados [and] avocado oil, sunflower seed butters, almonds, peanuts, and walnuts," Fine noted.

Remember, we all need fat, so instead of avoiding it, focus on how you can improve the quality of the fat you eat.

Try swapping out sour cream and replacing it with full-fat Greek yogurt in creamier dishes to reduce the saturated fat, Fine recommended.

If you cook or bake a lot with oils, Fine suggests using avocado oils instead of butter or lard to increase the amount of monounsaturated fats in the meal.

Lastly, opt for fish — like salmon or mackerel — instead of meat a couple times a week to load up on those omega-3 fatty acids.

What the nutrition scientists with diverse backgrounds all agreed upon was the fact that there is no one diet that's best for everyone.

Every body works differently. Some of us look and feel better with certain macronutrient breakdowns versus others.

There's no one-size-fits-all diet out there. Rather, it's best to work with a nutritionist or dietitian who can help determine what your specific needs are so your body can be at its healthiest.

Fenfast 375 Rapid Fat Burning Diet Pills

Source: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/what-is-good-fat


Burn Fat Belly Diet

Burn Fat Belly Diet

So you want to slim down and you want to do it, stat. While fast weight loss isn't really the best strategy (it's not always safe or sustainable) and focusing on how you feel (vs. the number of the scale) is typically more effective for reaching your goal, sometimes you have a fast-approaching deadline, such as your BFF's wedding, that's fueling your determination to get after it. Hey, you're not alone—plenty of people would like to know how to lose belly fat in two weeks. Spoiler alert: I was one of those people.

I struggled with an extra 25 pounds during my childhood, and I figured it was my genetic destiny to have a fixed amount of belly fat—that was, however, until I set out to learn more. Over the 20+ years in health journalism, I've been on a mission to learn everything there is to know about, yup, belly fat. But nothing I learned intrigued me quite as much as the recent research showing how we can override our fat genes to lose weight. Using what I've learned over the years and from these findings, I began to formulate my own advice on how to shed belly fat in 2 weeks.

The result? Zero Belly Diet, a plan dedicated to delivering readers with the best ways to lose stomach fat in 2 weeks. I created the Zero Belly Diet around the science of nutritional genetics, the study of how our genes are turned on and off by the foods we eat. Simply making a handful of tweaks to your diet and lifestyle can help improve your gut health, dampen inflammation, and turn off your fat genes. If you ask me, it's this is the ideal plan for people who want to know how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks.

Before scrolling straight to my tips on how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks, a quick reminder: It's pretty hard to spot reduce—some might say impossible—so no singular food or abs workout will help you magically "melt away" belly fat and belly fat only. What you can do, however, is lose belly fat while simultaneously reducing fat in other parts of your body as well. How? Below are some of my tips for how to lose belly (and other) fat.

Take a Brisk Walk Before Breakfast

Women taking a morning walk

Credit: SolStock/Getty Images

Before sharing the Zero Belly Diet with the world, I used a 500-person test panel to field-test my plan. Panelist Martha Chesler incorporated morning walks as part of her Zero Belly program and saw results right away. "I saw changes immediately," she reports. In less than six weeks on the program, Martha dropped reached her weight loss goals (and then some) by combining the Zero Belly Foods with a pre-breakfast walk.

This morning ritual works on two levels. First, a study found an association getting between early morning sunlight and having a lower BMI. Researchers speculate that the morning light helps regulate your body's circadian clock. Throwing off your internal clock might alter how your body processes food and lead to weight gain. But what really stunned Chesler was the improvement in her cardiovascular ability. Before starting the Zero Belly Diet, Chesler's heart rate would typically soar to 112 beats per minute (bpm) within moments of starting her exercise bike workout. "After the first week and a half I could not raise my heart rate over 96 bpm with the same workout," she says. "It was great to see a change in the mirror, and even better to know good things were happening that I couldn't even see." (In addition to a.m. strolls, try out these exercises that can help burn belly fat in 2 weeks.)

Start with Some Fiber-Loaded Oatmeal

Oatmeal with banana, blueberries, and chia seeds

Credit: Arx0nt/Getty Images

Naturally sweet oatmeal recipes in Zero Belly Diet were the key to panelist Isabel Fiolek's dramatic 13-pound weight loss. "I happen to have a big sugar addiction," says Fiolek. "But the recipes have been surprisingly satisfying for my sweet tooth." Fiolek also made dramatic health strides: A checkup after her six weeks on Zero Belly Diet revealed she'd dropped her total cholesterol by 25 percent and her blood glucose level by 10 percent.

So cook up some oatmeal and top it with some fruit. What's so special about this combination? Each provides soluble fiber that helps reduce blood cholesterol and feeds the healthy bacteria in your gut. By doing so, you trigger your gut to produce butyrate, a fatty acid that reduces fat-causing inflammation throughout your body. (Try these two-minute oatmeal recipes that'll make you an oatmeal fan forever.)

Choose Red Fruit Over Green


Credit: Eva Blanco/EyeEm/Getty Images

If you want to make a simple swap that'll help you lose belly fat in 2 weeks, start eating red fruits over greens. That means Pink Lady over Granny Smith apples, watermelon over honeydew, red grapes over green ones. The higher levels of nutrients called flavonoids—particularly anthocyanins, compounds that give red fruits their color—calm the action of fat-storage genes. In fact, red-bellied stone fruits like plums boast phenolic compounds that have been shown to modulate the expression of fat genes. (Related: What Are These Phytonutrients Everyone Keeps Talking About?)

Load Up On Avocados

Avocado toast

Credit: Adrian Crook/Getty Images

For test panelist June Caron, incorporating fresh produce such as avocados was one of the best ways to lose stomach fat in 2 weeks. The 55-year-old lost six pounds in the first week of following the program for how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks. "Learning to eat real, chemical-free, fresh foods has been the best thing that ever happened to me," she says. "I am never hungry and I'm still losing weight." Glowing skin, healthy nails, and better sleep were Zero Belly Diet bonuses, says Caron.

Avocados are a double-whammy for losing belly fat. First, they're packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats (aka good fats) that dim your hunger switches; a study in Nutrition Journal found that participants who ate half a fresh avocado with lunch were 40 percent less likely to desire food for hours afterward. Second, unsaturated fats like those found in avocados seem to prevent the storage of belly fat. (These creative ways to eat avocado will help you up your intake.)

Mix Up a Plant-Protein Smoothie

Green protein smoothie

Credit: Julia Murray/EyeEm/Getty Images

Test panelist Bryan Wilson, a 29-year-old accountant, lost an impressive amount of weight in just six weeks on the program, and he attributes his success to the Zero Belly Diet shake recipes. "I love the shakes. I added them to my diet, and almost immediately I lost the belly fat," says Wilson. "I crave sweet foods, and the shakes were an awesome alternative to bowls and bowls of ice cream I would have had."

Protein drinks can help you burn belly fat in 2 weeks and they make a delicious, simple snack. But most commercial drinks are filled with chemicals that can upset your gut health and cause inflammation and bloat. And the high doses of whey used to boost protein levels can amplify the belly-bloating effect. The Zero Belly Diet solution: Try vegan protein, which will give you the same fat-burning, muscle-building benefits, without the bloat. (Here's a complete guide to easy-to-digest plant proteins.)

Power Up with Eggs

Sweet potato and egg breakfast hash

You'll find lean, satiating protein in every single bite you take on the Zero Belly Diet. The muscle-building macronutrient is fundamental to the plan for how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks. Plus, eggs happen to be one of the easiest and most versatile delivery systems in the universe. They're also the best dietary source of a nutrient called choline. Choline, which is found also in lean meats, seafood, and collard greens, attacks the gene mechanism that triggers your body to store fat around your liver. (That's why eggs are one of the best foods for weight loss.) One Zero Belly Diet recipe, a breakfast hash with sweet potatoes and fresh farm eggs, became test panelist Morgan Minor's go-to breakfast, and after just three weeks on the program, the female firefighter was proof that the plan is full of best ways to lose stomach fat in 2 weeks.

Drink Citrus-Infused 'Spa Water'

Woman drinking water with fresh lemon, lime and mint

Credit: Dulin/Getty Images

One of the plan's top tips for how to lose belly fat in 2 weeks? Start each day by making a large pitcher of "spa water"—that's H20 filled with sliced whole lemons, oranges, or grapefruits—and make a point of sipping your way through at least eight glasses before bedtime. Citrus fruits are rich in the antioxidant D-limonene, a powerful compound found in the peel that stimulates liver enzymes to help flush toxins from the body and gives sluggish bowels a kick. (See also: Citrus Might Help You Burn More Fat During Your Workouts)

Burn Fat Belly Diet

Source: https://www.shape.com/weight-loss/tips-plans/how-lose-belly-fat-14-days-zero-belly-diet


Crate And Barrel Reclaimed Wood Dining Table

Crate And Barrel Reclaimed Wood Dining Table


New with Defects - Paloma II Dining Table Assembly required. Each piece will be unique due to the natural aged patina on reclaimed wood and reclaimed wood veneer. Reclaimed wood has natural imperfections inherrant to them as follows: nail holes, wood checks, cracks and splits which are left natural and unfilled. Natural wood movement is expected in service and ambient moisture level variations in the home can cause extreme wood movement. Reclaimed wood veneer will have irregular surface and some joint seams within set range at different rates and retention levels. Slight color tone and sheen variations are to be expected. Seats 8. Width: 92.25" Depth: 45" Height: 30" SKU 144847 / 22-8-050/ RO2104011 / SKU 469941/ MW /RO2104012 **You are responsible for verifying and arranging building access and all entry measurements. If the furniture is unable to fit into the elevator and needs to be transported via stairs, a separate delivery arrangement has to be scheduled, and a second delivery charge of S$90 will apply. Additional charges for hoisting up via staircase will apply. By accepting the offered price for this item, you agree to its "As-Is" conditions. Strictly No Exchange or Refund. No viewing options due to restrictions. Please refer to our T&C page for more info. Issues: Shredded wood, rough finishing, hairline crack on the base, split due to wood expansion.


Custom Courier: Crate & Barrel SG · S$30 · Please refer to our T&C. Delivery fees are based on "Drop and Go" and does not include assembly, installation or removal of packaging. Additional charges will apply for assembly, installation or removal of packaging.


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Crate And Barrel Reclaimed Wood Dining Table

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Large Dining Room Table Seats 10

Large Dining Room Table Seats 10

How to Calculate the Best Table Size for Your Dining Room


Congratulations on your decision to get a new dining room table. Choosing a new style of table can change the whole vibe in your dining area. It's important to choose a table that fits the size of your room so there's room for everyone to walk around. Taking the time to measure the size of your dining room and comparing your open floor space to standard table sizes can help you choose a piece of furniture that's a good fit for your home.

Determine the Size of Your Dining Area

Hook the end of a tape measure to something solid against the wall, like the door trim, or have a helper hold the end against the wall. Measure all the way across the room to the opposite wall. Make a note of this size, and then repeat the measuring process on the other two walls in the room. Multiply the two numbers together to determine the size of the room in square feet. If you're choosing a dining table for a room in a house with an open floor plan, measure to the edge of the area where you want the dining area to end.

Draw the Room

Sketch the room on a sheet of grid paper or enter the dimensions in a 3D room layout planning tool. While a larger open space around the table gives a room a casual, airy feeling, allow a minimum of three feet around the perimeter of the room for walking space. The remaining space in the center of the room is the maximum to allow for a dining table. It's easier to fit a small table into a large room than it is to crowd an oversized table into a tiny room. If you have extra floor space available after placing your dining table, you can adjust the way it's positioned in the room to enhance the flow of foot traffic and increase visual appeal.

Consider Decor Elements Around the Room's Outer Edge

Some pieces of furniture are big enough they're hard to move, making them almost a permanent part of your floor plan. If there are other large furnishings around the outer edge of the room, such as a hutch or curio cabinet, be sure to include the dimensions of those items in your sketch and in your calculations.

The Role of Table Top Shapes in Choosing Table Size

This is a tip you may see at play if you look closely at tabletops for restaurants. This is because restaurant tables are often packed in snugly to provide seating for as many patrons as possible. When space is at a premium — for example if you have a small dining area and can't arrange it to leave floor space around the table — consider a round or oval table. The rounded edges of the tabletop can allow for foot traffic.

Consider a Table That Has a Leaf

Choosing a table that has a leaf is one easy way to accommodate an occasional large group while enjoying the coziness of a small table. Just add the leaf when guests are coming over and remove it when there's a smaller group present. Floor space may be tied up with the leaf is installed, but it's also freed up when you restore the table to its smaller leaf-free size.

More From QuestionsAnswered.net

Large Dining Room Table Seats 10

Source: https://www.questionsanswered.net/article/how-to-calculate-the-best-table-size-for-your-dining-room?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740012%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex


32 Dining Table

32 Dining Table

Dining tables bring people together; holiday dinners, family meals, and everything in between can occur in our dining room, and at the center sits the dining room table.  With all these events to take into account, you may ask, "How narrow or wide should my dining table be?" Not to worry, we have researched the latest design information and trends on dining table dimensions to get the answer for you.

Your dining table dimensions are mostly based on your dining area's size and the number of guests you can expect to serve. It would be best if you allowed 3-feet of clearance on each side of the table. There should be 2-feet of table length per person on each side. Any width narrower than 36-inches will cause problems due to a lack of space for table settings. A standard rectangular dining table is 36″ X 60″ to provide comfortable seating of four to six people.

We can dress dining tables in tablecloths and decorate them for the season but picking the right size is crucial to getting the best usage out of your dining table. You need enough surface to eat comfortably, room for moving about in your chair, and space for walking around behind guests. We invite you to read on to find out more about these considerations when sizing your dining table.

Modern kitchen with white wooden walls and dining table with plates, How Narrow Can A Dining Table Be?

Fit for a Feast

Dining tables are designed to be used for gatherings or meals of family and guests. Thus, each person's comfort is an essential factor in deciding the perfect dining table size. Thirty-six-inches is the most narrow that you can usually find a traditional dining table. This allows for 18-inches of space for each opposite-facing guest and permits some room in the middle for serving dishes or platters. There should be 20- to 24-inches of length on each of the table's sides, per guest to allow for easily getting in and out of their seat and some elbow room.

Dining tables should not generally exceed 48-inches to avoid creating a big gap between guests. This would make it hard to speak across the table or pass something from one side to another. Standard sizes for dining tables range from 36″ x 60″ up to 44″ x 96″. An overly wide table can seem barren and give off a cold atmosphere, which is the opposite of what we want from our home dinings spaces.

When it comes to tablecloths, there are some basic guidelines to follow to ensure the right fit. Dining tables come in many shapes, so be aware of the shape when purchasing a tablecloth. The formality of the event, room, or home is also considered with the standard sizes. Always start by measuring the table yourself to make sure you get a perfect fit. Formal dining tables should have a 15-inch overhang, while casual settings can have 6- to 10-inches of overhang.

Click here to see this water-resistant 52″ x 70″ tablecloth from Amazon. It will amply cover standard rectangular dining tables.

How Much Space Is Required Around a Dining Table?

The space around a dining table is important for both the person sitting and anyone trying to walk past. Guests should be able to easily get into and out of their chairs without backing into a wall. If someone does need to walk around the table, it would be better for them not to squeeze or shimmy through.

The minimum space clearance on any given side of a dining table is 32-inches. This is a standard measure used to design and stage dining room compositions. Thirty-two-inches is enough space for those seated and others to feel comfortable with the room behind them. This is one measurement where there is no maximum. The table can be whatever distance you like from the walls, beyond three-feet, and will only give the setup more room to breathe.

How Much Should a Tabletop Overhang?

Table overhang is the distance that the tabletop stretches out past its base. This measure is very subjectively based on the table and how it was designed. Some tables have a base that you can slide your legs underneath. In those cases, the overhang is almost irrelevant because guests can move forward until they are comfortable. This design is common for tables with four spread out legs or columns.

If your table's base cannot be crossed, the table overhang length becomes very important. This would happen if your table had a wide trestle or was designed with a wide base column. In these cases, the desired distance would be from 15- to 18-inches long. That would make your legroom a bit longer than the area used for your place settings to create a comfortable seating arrangement. Wondering how tall your dining table should be to get the most comfortable legroom? Please read How High Should A Dining Table Be?

What Dining Table Shape is Best for a Small Space?

A round dining table is best for small dining spaces. Round tables have been designed for smaller spaces because a large round dining table would place people too far from each other. They occupy the same area as a square table but take up even less room due to the rounded corners and are easier to walk by. Round tables create a cozy and intimate setting, so it's the best shape for a small group of people.

You can create more versatility by buying one with an extender to fit more guests on short notice. A transitional table like that makes it easier to tuck away when not in use. Round tables are also unique because they allow everyone at the table to see and easily converse with everyone else, and they feel more casual because there is no head of the table. Looking for some inspiration to decorate your own round dining table? We recommend reading How To Decorate A Round Dining Room Table.

A Good Place To Gather

Our dining spaces give us a warm and comfortable place to gather and be with our favorite people. We share holiday feasts, family dinners, and anything in between on these tables. We want them to be comfortable, pleasing, and accommodating to their use.

A proper dining table should be wide enough to hold place settings and serving platters with at least 36-inches across of space. Each guest should have enough room to move about and leave their chair with 24-inches of width per seat and 32-inches of free space behind them. The table should allow us to slide into it or give us enough room to comfortably pull in our chair comfortably with at least 15-inches of overhang. We're confident that using these guidelines, you can find the perfect dining table for your home.

32 Dining Table

Source: https://homedecorbliss.com/how-narrow-dining-table-be/


How To Make Removable Dining Chair Covers

How To Make Removable Dining Chair Covers

The Best Dining Chair Sets at Any Price Point

Photo Courtesy: Maskot/Getty Images

Ready to refresh your dining room's decor? Updating your space by adding a new set of dining chairs is an easy way to reinvigorate the look of the room and help your family and guests stay more comfortable in the process.

Dining room chairs are the type of furniture that you'll use every day for years to come, so it's important to find the right ones for your needs. Not only that, but dining chairs tend to set the mood and tone of your entire dining room. When finding the best set of chairs for your space, take into consideration things like its overall style, the material it's made from, its cost and its size to be sure it'll fit into your space. Finding a set that blends all these elements ensures you'll have chairs that are ideal for your lifestyle, your wallet and your decorating sensibilities.

Now, check out this selection of chairs that prove an upgrade doesn't necessarily have to cost a fortune. We've got a variety of dining room chairs at every price point, from amazing budget finds to high-end chairs that will last you for years — and look great doing it.

Under $150: HomePop Parsons Geometric Dining Set or Burris Black Chairs

Who says a great set of dining chairs has to break the bank? Not us. If you're looking for new chairs to outfit a traditional dining room, check out these HomePop Parsons Geometric Dining Chairs. They're upholstered for added comfort, and their fabric options come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. That makes it easy to find the perfect match for your space.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon and Home Depot

If you're going for more of a traditional or minimalist look — maybe you don't prefer the solid backs of the Parsons chairs — then a pair of these Burris Black Dining Chairs offers a great way to go. Crafted from sturdy rubberwood with a glossy black finish, these sculptural, Windsor-style dining chairs go well with a variety of styles. Whether your style is more classic or mid-century modern, they add a beautiful accent that doesn't look out of place.

Under $200: Coavas Cushion Seats or Crown Ivory Linen Dining Chairs

If we may say so, a full set of four dining room chairs for less than $200 is a pretty amazing deal. And you can save big when you check out these Coavas Cushion Seats. This set of sturdy padded chairs boasts wear-proof linen upholstery and metal legs with anti-scratch pads to protect your floor. Plus, they're undeniably mid-century modern in style, so they're ideal if you're looking to explore this decorating trend.

Photo Courtesy: Amazon and Home Depot

If you only need a pair of chairs, then these Crown Ivory Linen Dining Chairs are also available at a great value. They're made with a sturdy metal frame and designed with classy tufted linen upholstery that creates an undeniably sumptuous look. They're available in several different colors, including a variety of neutral tones that make them easy to match with your existing decor.

Under $250: Bella Beige Upholstered Dining Chairs or Transparent Stacking Seats

Prefer that your dining chairs make a statement? Add a substantial dose of elegance to your table with a pair of Bella Beige Upholstered Dining Chairs. These beautiful sloped armchairs are made from a solid pine wood base with fabric upholstery, complete with round tacks for added visual interest and a bit of rustic flair. The seats are also constructed with foam for maximum comfort, and the legs feature floor glides to prevent scratching.

Photo Courtesy: Home Depot and Overstock

If you're looking for something a little more casual — and highly show-stopping — then these Transparent Stacking Seats are great backup chairs to have on hand for guests. Made from heavy-duty plastic, you can stack them for easy storage when they're not in use or use them in virtually any other room in the house. They're a nice lightweight option that couldn't be easier to clean.

Under $300: Keyhole Back Chairs or Laurelhurst Dining Armchairs

Give your dining room a touch of artistic flair with these modern, geometric Keyhole Back Dining Chairs. Available in a variety of colors, they're made from solid rubberwood frames topped with your choice of linen or faux leather upholstery. The uniquely designed padded backs make them both comfortable and an interesting focal point.

Photo Courtesy: Overstock and Raymour & Flanigan

If you'd rather go with a touch of classic Americana, take a look at the Laurelhurst Dining Armchair. This gorgeous solid red oak armchair brings an updated look to a traditional aesthetic thanks to the gently curved backs. Those curved backs also provide added comfort and support, making these chairs a beautiful addition to any traditionally decorated dining space.

Under $500: Canary Gold and White Velvet Dining Chairs or Margarite Seats

Want to go all-out opulent? Then feast your eyes on the luxurious Canary Gold and White Velvet Dining Chair. Made from gold-toned metal bases with curved backrests, this chair set is a great way to glam up your dining room. The chairs also boast velvet seats that are available in different colors, so they're sure to add some pizzazz to your dining space.

Photo Courtesy: Home Depot and Raymour & Flanigan

If you're aiming for a mid-century modern look that's been updated with some 21st-century sensibilities, this pair of Margarite Chairs is also a great choice. Featuring a low backrest, foam seat cushions and tapered metal legs, they're offered in a variety of colors to match your style. Weighing in at just 14 pounds, they're also as easy to move as they are stylish.

Over $500: Tolivere Green Velvet Dining Chairs or Brigham Seats

If you're in the mood to pull out all the stops, then it doesn't get any classier than the Tolivere Green Velvet Dining Chair. This Art Deco-style piece features tufted velvet upholstery on a sturdy steel frame. It's an easy way to instantly add a dash of timeless swag to your dining room. Despite its definite 1930s style, this chair also harmonizes well with furniture from a variety of other time periods.

Photo Courtesy: Home Depot and Raymour & Flanigan

Want to get not only a full set of dining chairs but a table as well? If so, then the Brigham Dining Set has you covered. You'll get four vintage-style chairs with faux leather bucket seats and a charming walnut table to match. This is a great choice for transforming your whole dining room without having to worry about mixing and matching pieces.

More From ConsumerSearch.com

How To Make Removable Dining Chair Covers

Source: https://www.consumersearch.com/home-garden/best-dining-chair-sets?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740007%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex


Alexa 7 Piece Dining Set

Alexa 7 Piece Dining Set


The Alexa 7PC Counter Height Dining Set is the perfect addition to your dining room! This set includes a table and six side chairs. The rectangle table shape will easily fit in your dining room. The chairs feature an X-back design and the seats are upholstered in a faux leather fabric; adding extra flair to this set. The foam cushion seats will keep you comfortable during long dinners. The set is finished in a cool, gray and pairs perfectly with the black, faux leather upholstery on the chairs.


Part of Alexa Collection from Elements

Crafted from acacia solid wood mdf and acacia veneer

Aged ebony finish

Fabric content: 25% polyurethane 75% polyester

Set ships in one box

Foam cushion seat

X-back design

Comfortably seats up to 6 guests

Maximum Weight Capacity: 500lbs.

Show More

Product Dimensions:

  • Dining Table 36"W x 60"L x 36"H - 70lbs.
  • Chair 18"W x 21"D x 40"H - 15lbs


  • Color Grays
  • Style Transitional
  • Manufacturer Picket House Furnishings
  • Dining Type Casual / Kitchen
  • Table Height Counter (35"-36"H)
  • Base Type Leg Base


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Elements International is a dynamic furniture wholesaler that offers every style from traditional to contemporary in bedroom, dining, living room furniture and more. They take pride in providing their customers with competitive prices and quality products while offering excellent customer service. Considered to be one of the fastest growing furniture companies in the country, Elements hosts a powerhouse of experts with twenty plus years of experience in the furniture industry. This gives them the skill necessary to provide their customers with top of the line, quality furniture. In addition to an extraordinary bedroom line up, they also carry popular and fashionable styles in upholstery, living, dining, and occasional furniture Their competitive prices, exceptional quality, and excellence in customer service are ultimately what set Elements International apart from the competition.

Coleman Furniture's Manufacturer Rating

Coleman Furniture

  • Great Value

  • Dependable Design

  • Cherished Heirloom


For an extended warranty please click here

With proper care and attention, you will be able to enjoy your new Picket House Furnishings for years to come. Picket House Furnishings warrants its furniture to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of delivery to the consumer. The Picket House Furnishings Warranty only applies to furniture used for normal residential purposes and in no event, be responsible for any incidental or consequential damage. Coleman Furniture is proud to offer our customers Picket House Furnishings.


How much does Coleman Furniture charge for delivery?

Unlike other furniture companies, Coleman Furniture never charges for delivery. Since our humble beginnings in 1999 we have grown to become one of the largest online furniture stores in the US. We offer two distinct delivery options that sets us miles apart from the competition.

How would my furniture be delivered?

The majority of items offered on our website will be delivered and setup in your home with a professional furniture delivery company. You will be contacted in advance to schedule a delivery appointment. At the time of delivery, your furniture will be brought to the room of your choice, assembled, and we will remove the packaging materials when we are done. If you see "FREE DELIVERY AND SETUP" on the product page to the left of the "Add to Cart" button, you can rest assure this service will be included with your order at no additional cost! You will be thankful when we are hauling in that new 500 pound china cabinet, not you! We obviously pay allot more for this service then our competitors do, whom only drop the furniture at your curb. We simply believe it is worth the extra expense to make sure that our customers are happy, and that furniture arrives right the first time. Coleman Furniture will work tirelessly to make sure that you have a positive experience working with us.

Smaller items that list  "FREE HOME DELIVERY" will ship via Fedex, UPS, or LTL service. If assembly is required it will be the customers responsibility to assemble the furniture. Only a small percentage of our orders ship this way, however, we do offer items that it's simply not economical to do a white glove delivery.

Where does Coleman Furniture deliver to?

We offer free delivery on all orders shipping within the continental United States. Shipping to Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico is available for an additional charge, which is determined at checkout. International customers can make arrangements with a U.S. based freight forwarder, and we will ship to the selected freight forwarder free of charge.

How long does it take to receive my furniture?

In Stock items usually ship within 2 to 7 days. Delivery time to your home is generally 2 to 4 weeks from when your order is placed (based on where you are located). We have over two dozen distribution centers, and if you are fortunate to live near one of them it is very possible that you will receive your order in less than 2 weeks! Since Inventory changes frequently we will provide an estimated ship date when you place your order. We will send you updates via e-mail as soon as they are available and keep you updated as the order moves along.

Alexa 7 Piece Dining Set

Source: https://colemanfurniture.com/alexa-gray-7-piece-counter-height-dining-set.htm


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